August 1st, 2012
I so appreciated your patient and faithful attention to us as we agreed on a listing price, asked questions about preparing the house, eliminated unpleasant odors late at night (LOL!) and worked through the process of signing papers with Bob and I in different states.
To you, selling and buying houses is an every day kind of experience. To most of your clients I would guess that it’s just shy of traumatic and yet you are akin to a faithful, confident smiling nurse giving the patient comfort and confidence throughout the journey! I appreciated your availability as a resource for moving company information, cleaning ideas, loaning us your truck to drive to the dump and your honest yet not offensive feedback in preparing our home for sale.
I feel like I’m not putting into words very effectively the gratitude I feel Tony, but know that it is heartfelt. You were friendly, professional, knowledgeable, patient, resourceful, a strong advocate, fair to all people involved in communications, supportive and if that wasn’t enough highly effective in selling our house! Your video and flyer were amazing, and I am confident that the spirit, blood, sweat and tears you put into your work makes you a success. I would say our experience with you was successful, not because our house sold, but because of you – the friendly, professional, knowledgeable, strong advocate.
Thank you so much for helping us with this major change and being part of our blessed experience. We wish you all the best, and maybe we’ll see you again if we return to visit.
Julie & Bob Rein
Sold in Coventry on English Hill in Redmond