When it came time to select a real estate professional to represent us in the sale of our first home, Tony Meier immediately came to mind. In our eyes, no one knew the English Hill market quite like him. He came to our first meeting prepared with fact-based analytics of selling strategies that worked for our area. He outlined a marketing plan that was executed to his word and produced the results we were after. Tony comes armed with a toolkit of real estate support professionals. From inspectors, to appraisers, to his right-hand assistant, every professional he recommended surpassed our expectations. And his camera skills! We received more praise on the presentation of photography and videography to showcase our home. When we told people that Tony handles it all himself, they were blown away! Thank you, Tony and team, for easing our first-time home-selling jitters. We were in great hands with you!
Sarah and Nathan Gai
Sold in Sunrise – October 2017